Chickadees: The Large Meanings Behind These Tiny Birds

Nick Ortiz
10 min readAug 23, 2024


Photo by Kevin Cress on Unsplash

Spiritual Meanings

Chickadees come with profound, positive spiritual meanings. In general, the spiritual meanings of seeing a Chickadee revolve around themes such as happiness, joy, cooperation, and communication. Chickadees encourage you to find joy in the simple things in life, weather any situation with grace, forge strong social bonds, and stay positive no matter what happens. A chickadee’s presence can provide a temporary relief from stress, anxiety, and worry. Sighting a chickadee brings good news as well as reminds one of the importance of adapting to new situations with a self-awareness based on optimism and positivity. A chickadee sighting is an opportunity to plant the seeds for a positive perspective and to open your heart to the happiness that exists all around you.

Spiritual Themes

If a chickadee approaches you, this is a positive affirmation from nature. It means that you radiate with a warm, positive energy and a peaceful, trustworthy nature. Furthermore, if you hear a chickadee’s song or call, it is a sign that you (either consciously or subconsciously) shifted paths in your life and that this new path has new challenges. To surmount these challenges, you need to be careful of indulging in self-destructive habits or emotions that no longer serve you. Let the chickadee’s unending positivity and spirit guide you in your path.

The importance of communication cannot be stressed enough with chickadees. Chickadees are constantly communicating as they protect each other from predators as well as find food. This can be seen in the number of dees they produce where one dee means the flock is in a familiar place with several dees meaning the presence of a threat or predator. Chickadees urge us to not close ourselves off from people because we feel self-conscious. Even if you feel small, you must express your unique voice to the world. By expressing your voice, you are helping yourself as well as others explore themselves.

Chickadee as a Spirit Animal

A chickadee can be a very powerful spirit animal. A spirit animal is an animal that has the same vibration as you with whom you identify with completely. A relationship between a spirit animal and a person is based on unconditional love. In other words, you are your spirit animal and your spirit animal is you. If the chickadee is your spirit animal, you tend to be an extrovert. You are an optimist. You are grateful for everyday blessings that are omnipresent in your life. You approach challenges with a positive mindset. You are fiercely protective of your friends and family. You know the difference between caution and anxiety. You use this wisdom for the benefit of those around you. You excel at sensing the emotions of others and you do not hesitate to express your true feelings. Those with the chickadee as their spirit animal are often strong centers of support and positivity in the world.

Chickadee as a Totem Animal

Chickadees can serve as a totem animal. A totem animal, like a power animal, is an animal you can call on through visualization at a time in your life where the traits of that animal can help you the most. People with a chickadee as a totem animal tend to be happy, light-hearted, perky, honest, curious, witty, sociable, resilient, adaptable, think big, love conversation, make friends easily, can easily adapt to any situation, playful, and always keep their true self in sight. They embrace happiness at a deep emotional and spiritual level as they seek to establish harmony and balance in their lives. They want to be at the center of the change they want to see in the world and will always encourage others to do the same for themselves. They are convinced that their lives matter and that they do make a difference whether that difference is big or small. For this reason, they will stand their ground and defend members of their family and friend groups.

Chickadee as a Power Animal

Chickadees can also be power animals. As a power animal, the chickadee can give you the strength to stick to your truth, even when you feel intimidated. Go nail that interview if you’re scared of speaking. Go on that trip you’ve always wanted to go on even if you’re scared. It is by knowing our truth and acting on that truth that we can transform and be the people we were meant to be. Chickadees as power animals also give us the power to overcome obstacles with bravery, to attract the right opportunities and people into our life, and to find joy in the most unexpected places.

Chickadees in Dreams

If you see a chickadee in your dream, it’s a positive sign. The chickadee represents the positive energy and luck that is always present in your life, whether you see it or not. In general, a chickadee in your dream is an invitation to embrace happiness in the present moment. Oftentimes, people search for happiness which is the root of most of their suffering. If you make happiness your goal, nothing will be enough because everything will fall short of your definition of it. To find happiness, you have to love yourself and be grateful for everything that happens in your life. Know that everything happens for you and helps you find yourself. The chickadee can help you do that. The chickadee’s message is always one of optimism, embracing life, and trusting your instincts. If you see a chickadee sing, it means that you will soon have an exciting encounter with perhaps someone who will be a lifelong friend or an opportunity that you have long waited for.

If you see several chickadees in your dream, it could mean that you have an issue between yourself and friends or family members that can be worked out through clear communication and understanding. It could also represent the need for social interaction and community.

If you see a chickadee land either on you or on a building in a dream it could mean that you need to pay attention to the person or thing the bird landed on. If this happens, analyze your feelings and ask yourself what is the chickadee trying to tell me? What about this person or thing do I need to pay attention to and what does it mean for me?

If you hear a chickadee give her signature call in your dream it could be a reminder that not all things are as scary as you perceive them to be. We have full control over what we put our energy into. What resists, persists. If you continue to resist an unpleasant situation, whether it be a memory, person, or event, you will continue to replicate the circumstances of the situation in your reality until you integrate those feelings. Resistance is a form of manifestation. To discover what you need to manifest, all of us need to go within and integrate the feelings and emotions that we have been resisting. This is not easy work and requires a lot of energy and dedication. Hearing a chickadee’s call is an invitation to go within, trust your intuition, and reanalyze the memories and emotions you have been resisting up until now. How have these memories and emotions served you? Can you let them go? How would you feel if you let them go?

If you dream of a pair of chickadees in a dream, it might be a sign of cooperation and stability among parents. If you are married or have kids, this dream could be a reminder that parents need to share responsibility equally.

Personal Experiences

I’m from North Carolina, a state that is well within the range of the Carolina Chickadee. However, Black-Capped Chickadees have been known to migrate south of their range into North Carolina from time to time. When this happens, I like to look for key physical and audible characteristics that set the two apart. You can explore the article I wrote on the subject here. Carolina Chickadees are a common sight in my backyard. I always see them parsing through the bird feeder and eating small insects off the leaves of trees and branches. Their significance to me cannot be overstated because these birds have helped me get through some rough patches in my life. When I felt like I was under a lot of pressure, rushed, or depressed, seeing Chickadees fly around my yard with grace, joy, and purpose always soothed me. I also noticed that I hardly ever saw a Chickadee travel alone. When I see them, they almost always travel in groups. This behavior is a constant reminder to me of the importance of community and friendship. While we may feel isolated or misunderstood in this world sometimes, there is always a comfort in knowing that there is always someone that resonates with you whether it be a family member, friend, angel, spirit guide, or other entities that you feel a strong connection with.

Chickadees are also highly curious and inquisitive. They’re always ready to try new things and search new places. One time, I saw a Chickadee enter a bird feeder filled with white millet; a food used to attract Painted Buntings. The Chickadee tried the millet, realized she liked it, and kept on eating. It was at that moment that I realized how open Chickadees are to trying new things outside their established diet. It was in this way that the Chickadee demonstrated that it’s helpful to keep an open mind. The song of the Chickadee has always been mesmerizing to me. Within that song is a hidden message of hope and unconditional love. I won’t hear their song every day but I will always hear it when I need to. Their song gives me much needed encouragement and love in my spiritual journey.

I always like seeing chickadees at bird feeders. They will eat many things whether they be small insects, suet, sunflower seeds, and even things you wouldn’t expect like white millet! They approach doing their chick-a-dee-dee-dee usually in pairs of two. They will either grab what’s in the feeder and fly to a nearby perch to eat it or parse through the seeds to find what they want (usually a mealworm). Seeing the chickadees being chickadees always makes me smile. They’re not afraid to be themselves. They’re an inspiration to me. I also admire how they look out for each other. Chickadees are constantly communicating and looking out for each other. They are very social birds whose identity is closely liked with that of the flock. Throughout my life, I’ve tended to be a loner and avoided social interactions. I’m an introvert by nature. I’ve learned that introverts need social contact even if social gatherings are not their thing. What chickadees taught me is that it does not matter how small you think you are. Those thoughts are only in your head. If you’re an introvert like me, don’t use that as an excuse to isolate yourself. Like the chickadees, we all have a unique voice that needs to be expressed. You cannot do that alone. Chickadees are always expressing their voice and this voice helps those around them. I can be the same. Seeing them every day reminds me of how much I still need to work on when it comes to expressing my unique voice; a voice that has been hidden for so long.

Photo by Gary Fultz on Unsplash


An original poem by Nick Ortiz

A friend of mine once went to a spiritual retreat to find inner peace

It was frustrating for him to say the least….

He went to the master in a fury

His response was to see a great teacher who was in no hurry

Deep in a clearing she could be found in a tree

Laying under a sky that shined as blue as the sea

The man trekked into the forest with great expectation

To prevent his journey from ending in desperation

At last, he came upon the clearing with flowers of blue

And saw the tree whose leaves that shined with a reddish hue

He searched the tree as far as his eyes could see

But all he could find was a small, noisy Chickadee

The small bird did her characteristic chicka-dee-dee-dee

While the man simply said, “What the heck is this supposed to be?!”

He swore, thrashed, and screamed for so long

That his soul yearned for a song

The Chickadee sang with a gentle voice

It’s-all-o-k, it’s-all-o-k

At first, the man thought he was going crazy but the feeling felt so real

The song spoke to his soul and his intuition returned for him to feel

The more he felt the more he realized the issues that lay within him

This realization became stronger and refused to dim

The chickadee then sang:

Chick-a-be-be-be, chick-a-be-be-be

The bird was the master, a teacher of life

A hidden, small genius who knew no strife

With tears in his eyes, the mean shouted the Chickadee’s song with glee

It’s-all-o-k, chick-a-be-be-be

It’s-all-o-k, chicka-be-be-be

Yes, my friends, it’s that simple, take it from me

Do your best and chick-a-be-be-be

I hope you enjoyed this article on the spiritual meanings of chickadees. These small birds always bring a smile to my face and I hope they do the same for you. If you take anything from this article, I hope it’s this: remember the message of the chickadee that joy is omnipresent in your life and can be found even in the darkest moments if you open your heart to it, treasure your connections with friends and family, and express your unique voice. When you see a cute chickadee sing her chick-a-dee-dee-dee, don’t ignore the positive message this has for you in your life. Thanks for reading!



Nick Ortiz
Nick Ortiz

Written by Nick Ortiz

I am a writer, birder, researcher, and linguist that has a humble purpose of leaving behind a positive legacy in the world:

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